Waiver Policy
The CONNECT program welcomes participation of group leaders. A group leader is an individual who will organize a group of five or more students to participate in the summer program. By helping bring 5 students, the tuition and the travel costs for the group leader will be underwritten by the University of Balamand. The group leaders for the CONNECT program will also receive the Friendship Shield of the University and recommendation letters.
In addition, the Group Leader shall hold the following responsibilities:
1- Maintain communication with CONNECT Coordinator.
2- Facilitate logistic procedures for members of his/her group before arrival to Lebanon (Registration, Payment of fees, Visas, Travel schedules and Reservations).
3- Represent his/her group during residency in the Program in coordination with the local group guides and the Program Coordinator.
4- Communicate concerns, comments, and requests of the group to the Program Coordinator.
5- Keep written record of activities involving his/her group.
6- Make sure that all his/her group members are on schedule for Program activities.
7- Report the groups' impressions about their experience in the Program.
8- Lead his/her group in activities.
9- Organize follow-up action steps upon return. This may involve public speaking at churches, mosques, and other community centers, as well as writing articles about their experience in their local press and community bulletins.