CHRONOS  15 (2007)

Chorus15_1 chorus15_2


Kostas Papastathis
          Constantinople and Jerusalem : the delegation of Bishop
          Anthimos in the Holy Land , 1921

Heather J. Sharkey
          American Presbyterian Missionaries and the Egyptian
          Evangelical Church
. The Colonial and Potcolonial
          History of a Christian Community.

Fiona McCalum
          The Role of the Maronite Patriarch in Lebanese History:
          the Patriarch of Lebanon ?

Theophilus C. Prousis
          Bedlam in Beirut : a British Perspective in 1826

Jennifer M. Duek
         Stories of Pride and Shame: Left-Wing Writers and the
         French Mission to Civilize an Empire

Janet Starkey
          Cosmopolitan Cities and Cultural Integration? Alexander
          Russel on Eighteenth-Century Aleppo

Témoignages et sources

Boutros Labaki
         L’industrie libanaise de la soie au début du Mandat
         français, 1920-1930

Index des numéros précédents

Chronos issues are available from :
The Library
University of Balamand
POB 100
Tripoli Lebanon


May Davie
Chronos Editor
8, rue Emmanuel-Brault
37250 Montbazon France